Unhouseholded policy (insurance) & account (securities)
- Review Practice360 – Insurance Inforce Tab for insurance policy & Accounts Tab for securities related account
- Sort by Household Name column – if empty, the policy or account is currently unhouseholded
- Create a new household or link to an existing household
Link policy or account to a household
- Open up the household in Client360 – Administration Profile subtab
- Under Household Accounts tile – click on the blue + Add Accounts
- Select Accounts bullet for securities related account and Policies bullet for insurance policy
- For securities related account - type in Household Name, Account Number, Last Name or SSN to search
- For insurance policy - type in Contract Number or Last Name for search
- May check off Include closed accounts/policies as part of the search
- From Search result, click on the checkbox(s) next to the contract number(s) to be linked to this household, then click Add
- The account / policy should now appear under the Household Accounts tile
- Securities account information will show under the Trading / Holdings Account Profile subtab and Insurance information will show under Insurance tab
Unlink policy or account from a household
- Open up the household in Client360 – Administration Profile subtab
- Under Household Accounts tile – click on the checkbox or 3 dots next to the account or policy, then click Remove
Manually add a policy (outside carriers)
- Open up the household in Client360 – Insurance tab
- Click on blue + Manually Add a Policy – select product type
- Type in all * Required Field and click Save
- Manually added policy will be indicated with a blue M in circle
- May click pencil icon to edit and trash icon to delete
- Client can do the same in Investor360 if given access
Add additional accounts by advisor
- Open up the household in Client360 – Trading / Holdings tab
- Under Additional Accounts – click on the blue Add / Edit and select the type
- Type in the * Required field and click Save & Close
- Manually added account will be indicated with a blue M in circle
- To modify, click on the blue Add / Edit, select the type and make the changes or use trash icon to delete
Account aggregation by client
- Client logs into Investor360 – Portfolio tab
- Under Additional Accounts – click on blue + Add Account
- Select or search for the carrier, log in with the respective ID / PW, follow instruction on screen for verification purpose
- If successful, account(s) will be listed and click save
- To remove, may click on account and use the trash icon
- Currently not all carrier or account can be aggregated