If you're having issues with notifications not displaying, please do the following.
- Open Settings
- Settings > Notifications > Scroll down to below "Notification Style" > select the app in question
- Toggle that off
- Toggle it back on
If you're having issues with notifications not displaying, please do the following.
- Confirm your phone isn't on "Do Not Disturb"
- This can be found in your "Quick Settings Menu" (top of your screen), swipe down.
Google Pixel
- Toggle notifications on/off
- Navigate to the App giving you issues.
- Long press on the App icon, then select App Info ⓘ icon.
- Navigate to Notifications.
- Toggle them off.
- Go back to your home screen and wait a few seconds.
- Long press on the App icon, then select App Info ⓘ icon.
- Navigate to Notifications.
- Toggle them back on.
Outlook App
- Outlook Application
- Outlook recently enabled a silence notification button
- Open Outlook, look for the snooze icon over your picture/initials in the top left.
- You can toggle this on/off under...
- Outlook > Your Icon/initials (top left) > Settings (gear bottom right) > Notifications > Allow Notifications