Create household to record CRM data for new prospect (or client currently without an existing household) in A360s
1) Advisor360 Dashboard - Create Household
- Popular Application & Links Widget - Create New Household
- Standard for Household Name: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME
- Formal / Statement Name: First & Last Name
- Advisor ID: Select the appropriate advisor ID or split code
- Click "Create"
- If there is a pop up blocker - disable it and DO NOT create the household again, just go back to Dashboard and search for it
2) Client360 - Add Household information
- Click on Contacts tab
- Click Edit to add details, when finished click “Save”
3) Add People in This Household
- People tab or section - Click "Add a Person" and type in the person's name, contact and company info
- Type in Details for the Person and click "Save"
- Repeat to add additional people within the household
4) Edit Default Household Details
- Back to Contact – Overview page - Click "Edit" next to household name, select default contact information from the Phone, Fax, E-mail, and Online Presence drop down, then hit "Save"