Practice360 has multiple tabs with pre-set columns to display different information (Ex. Households, People, Insurance, Accounts, Workflows, CRM Activities, etc.). You may hit column header to sort by that column, or export to excel using Actions: I want to.
To customize and display additional columns:
- On Practice360, open one of the tabs
- Next to the Saved Column View dropdown, click the orange square icon
- Check the column to add and uncheck to remove, then click Apply
- To reuse the same columns display in the future, click on the little floppy icon
- Type a Column View name and choose viewable by, click Save
- To re-display this column view, just pick from the Saved Column View dropdown next time.
- To edit a column view – repeat step 1 to 4, select Replace an existing column view with these items and select name from dropdown, click Save
- To delete a column view – click on the red X and Delete