Annual Review Letter/Recently Reassigned/No Prior Contact (ENG)

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I want to introduce myself as your new financial services professional following the departure of [insert former agent name] from our firm. My intention is to help you prepare to enjoy today, tomorrow and beyond. To that end I’m sending the below checklist to get you started thinking about how recent life changes may have an impact on your financial goals.

Whether you want to confirm that your insurance coverage or investments are in line with your current financial goals, check to see if your beneficiary listing is accurate, or if you simply want to update your contact information, I’m here to help.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Have you had any of the following changes?


□ I have new contact information:


Name: _________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________

City, State ZIP: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________ email: _____________________________________


□ I bought a home                     □ I started a new business

□ I had a baby                         □ I had a change in health

□ I changed my marital status     □ My insurance coverage is different

□ I have a new job


Are there any new or changing needs you are concerned about?


□ Protecting my family              □ Making a charitable gift

□ Protecting my income              □ Making gifts to my children/grandchildren

□ Saving for college                  □ Preserving wealth to pass onto future generations

□ Saving more for retirement     □ Controlling wealth after I am gone

□ Planning for my estate            □ Other____________________________________


Are there any specific financial products & services you would like to learn more about?


□ Life Insurance

□ Annuities

□ Long term care insurance

□ Disability income insurance

□ Health insurance* 


*Not offered through Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.  

