Advisor360 Dashboard, Practice360 & Client360 search boxes
- For securities related accounts, type in entire account number or add "%" wild card with partial number and click on "account" tab within the search box
- For insurance policies, type in exact policy / contract number or add "%" wild card with partial number and click on "policy/contract" tab within the search box
Practice360 - Accounts Tab - list all securities related accounts for the advisor (and other advisors' for whom the user has proxy access for).
- Next to the Practice360 Group drop down - Filter icon - type in exact account number, or add "%" with partial number to return a list of accounts containing the numbers that was typed in for search
Practice360 - Insurance Inforce Tab - list all insurance policies / contracts for the advisor (and other advisors' for whom the user has proxy access for).
- Next to the Practice360 Group drop down - Filter icon - may search for different line of business, product type and policy status
- May export the list to excel by clicking ACTIONS: I want to and use CTRL + F keys to search for the policy
Client360 - Search Page - if unsure about the account or policy / contact number, may search with
- Household Name
- Account or Client SSN / TIN
- Policy / Contract Last Name
If unable to find the account, policy / contract
- Does not exist in A360 - currently only MMLIS and most MassMutual policies auto feed into A360 (see CRC Data Aggregation Product Grid for products list)
- Inforce under another advisor within the firm (see "household Sharing" article for advisors to share households)
- Inforce under another firm which will require business reassignment
- Has restriction preventing access - PDS may escalate to HO via ServiceNow to see if restriction may be lifted